you want that vibrant, glossy hair that’s in every hair commercial? It’s all about the conditioner you choose. Sure, shampoo starts the process by cleansing and nourishing your hair, but even clean hair can appear dry and damaged if you don’t use conditioner. If you’ve ever washed your hair without conditioning it, you probably realized that already. Conditioner softens and smoothes, moisturizes and shines, untangles and protects hair from damage. It’s essentially the key to perfect hair!


Choosing the right conditioner. It’s true that all conditioners will, well, condition your hair, but they’re not created equal. You must use the type of conditioner that is right for your hair type and texture — and use it correctly. Otherwise you may still be unhappy with the way your hair looks.

Conditioners for oily hair. You may want to just skip conditioning your hair if it’s super-oily — and you can — but don’t forget about some of the great benefits of a good conditioner, like protecting your hair, giving it more shine, and smoothing it out so it doesn’t tangle as much. Instead of skipping it, try a conditioner with light moisturizing action. Also, be extra careful not to condition your scalp — that’s where the sebum (what you think of as oil) is secreted, so there’s plenty of moisture there already. Instead, start to apply conditioner about midway through your hair and work down towards the ends.

Another option is a spray conditioner — a conditioner that you apply to hair that is dry by spraying it as needed. You can buy ready-made spray conditioners or create your own spray conditioner by mixing a bit of regular conditioner (about a tablespoon) with water in a spray bottle.