Shampoos contain detergents which remove dirt and grease from your hair and which can be rinsed off with water. There are shampoo’s formulated for all types of hair. Washing hair on a regular basis with the right shampoo will not damage your hair.
From generations people have been using readily available products from the kitchen to wash their hair. However the mixture prepared should be used immediately because the ingredients may spoil if kept for a long time.

Egg Shampoo – Egg has excellent cleansing properties. It clings to the dirt and while washing hair it drags the dirt away with it. Prepare egg shampoo by beating the white and yolk of the egg together in a mixing bowl. Massage the mixture into dry hair and after 5 minutes wash your hair well with cool water.

How to Shampoo Hair:

  • Always use the right quantity of shampoo for washing your hair. If you use more shampoo than your naturally black hair may become dull. For long hair you need a walnut sized dollop of shampoo for short hair its grape sized dollop.
  • To begin with, first brush your hair to loosen dead skin cells and dirt. Then lean over and wet your hair with warm water.
  • Dilute shampoo with some water in the palms of your hand. Work up some lather with your palms. With your fingertips massage the shampoo into your hair. The ends of your hair are not greasy so concentrate on the hair nearest to your scalp.
  • Massage your scalp with small circular motions to stimulate blood circulation for healthy hair. If you have long hair dot pile it on top of your head and scrub as they may entangle.
  • Now rinse your hair with clean water from the tap or shower as bath water maybe contaminated with soap residue and dead skin. Shampoo for a second time only if your hair is very dirty.
  • Remove excess moisture from your hair by wrapping a towel around your head or patting it dry.