The food you eat reflects your beliefs about yourself, your spiritual being, the people important to you, and the world. You can change your diet to communicate your wish for a healthier self and society.


Take a delight in everything you eat and drink throughout the day. A variety of whole cereal grains, natural rice, beans in all their hues, lentils, chickpeas, nuts of different shapes, colorful fruits, the fascinating array of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds of vegetables in their myriad forms and textures, give you endless choice. Herbs and spices add subtle sensuality.
If you like meat, use it as an interesting, flavorful addition, feasting on it occasionally. If you eat a diet based on whole foods, thoughtfully prepared, you will almost certainly receive all the goodness you need and the best combination of nutrients. There is no need for nutritional supplements.

In fact all most people need is good food and not bad food plus pills.

The main components of a basic healthy diet are: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Most whole food contain many nutrients in varying proportions, so a variety of foods will give you a good balance. To eat well and feel healthy, choose whole, fresh, or carefully processed foods, and flavor those of vegetable origin.