Automatically Ending Non-Responsive Tasks
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\AutoEndTasks
- Set the value to be 1
- In the same section, change the WaitToKillAppTimeout to the number of milliseconds you want.
No To All When Overwriting Files
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
This would overwrite any files you would normally be prompted for.
To have No To All, simply hold down the Shift key while you click on the No option.
Allowing Network Access with Blank Passwords
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
To change this setting:
- Run gpedit.msc
- Go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options
- Double click on Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console login only
- Disable this option
Changing the Login Screen Saver
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Start Regedit
- Go to HK_USERS / .DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop
- Double click on SCRNSAVE.EXE
- Enter in the screen saver you want to us
Set the Online Registration as Being Completed
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Run Regedit
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion
- Create a String Value called RegDone
- Give it a value of 1
Decreasing Boot Time
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
The program is calledBootVis
- Uncompress the file.
- For a starting point, run Trace / Next Boot + Driver Delays
- This will reboot your computer and provide a benchmark
- After the reboot, BootVis will take a minute or two to show graphs of your system startup.
- Note how much time it takes for your system to load (click on the red vertical line)
- Then run Trace / Optimize System
- Re-Run the Next Boot + Drive Delays
- Note how much the time has decreased
- Mine went from approximately 39 to 30 seconds.
Re-Enabling System Restore
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
the option to start it again does not show in the System Properties.
You can re-enable it again by:
- Run the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc)
- Go to Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / System Restore
- Set Turn off System Restore and Turn off Configuration to Disable
- Right click on My Computer
- Select Manage
- Go to Services and Applications / Services
- Scroll down to System Restore Service
- Set it for Automatic
- Click on the Start button to start the service
- Close down this window
- Go back to the Group Policy Editor and configure both to Not configured
- Now when you right click on My Computer, there should be a tab for System Restore and you can configure how much space will be used
Hide/Unhide Logon Names
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts \ UserList
- Add a DWORD with the name of the user account you want to hide
- Make sure it has a value of 0
- If there is an existing account, you can unhide it by giving it a value of 1
Disable Passport Pop-Up
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ MessengerService
- Edit the binary key PassportBalloon
- Give it a value of 0A (0A 00 00 00)
Disable Explorer Thumbnail View
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced \
- Change ClassicViewState to 1
Preventing Applications from Stealing the Focus
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
- Edit the key ForegroundLockTimeout
- Give it a value of 00030d40
Installing Java Virtual Machine
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
If this link is removed by MS or is too slow you candownload it here
Poweroff at Shutdown
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
you may need to edit the registry. I have all the correct BIOS and Power settings and still needed to do this.
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
- Edit the key PowerOffActive and give it a value of 1
- You can do the same in HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
Hiding the Last User Logged On
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc)
- Go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options
- Scroll down to Interactive logon: Do not display last user name
- Set it to Enable
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
If you have FAT32 partitions, it is much simpler than with NTFS.
Just boot with a Win98 floppy and copy the NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM files
from the i386 directory to the root of the C:\ drive.
- Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD.
- At the first R=Repair option, press the R key
- Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair.
Typically this will be #1 - Enter in the administrator password when requested
- Enter in the following commands (X: is replaced by the actual drive letter that is assigned to the CD ROM drive.
COPY X:\i386\NTLDR C\:
COPY X:\i386\NTDETECT.COM C:\ - Take out the CD ROM and type exit
HAL.DLL Missing or Corrupt
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD.
- At the first R=Repair option, press the R key
- Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair.
Typically this will be #1 - Type bootcfg /list to show the current entries in the BOOT.INI file
- Type bootcfg /rebuild to repair it
- Take out the CD ROM and type exit
Repair Install
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
you can do a Repair Install that might work as well as keep the current settings.
Make sure you have your valid WindowsXP key.
The whole process takes about half an hour depending on your computer
If you are being prompted for the administrator's password, you need to choose the 2nd repair option, not the first.
- Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD
- At the second R=Repair option, press the R key
- This will start the repair
- Press F8 for I Agree at the Licensing Agreement
- Press R when the directory where WindowsXP is installed is shown. Typically this is C:\WINDOWS
- It will then check the C: drive and start copying files
- It will automatically reboot when needed. Keep the CD in the drive.
- You will then see the graphic part of the repair that is like during a normal install of XP (Collecting Information, Dynamic Update, Preparing Installation, Installing Windows, Finalizing Installation)
- When prompted, click on the Next button
- When prompted, enter your XP key
- Normally you will want to keep the same Workgroup or Domain name
- The computer will reboot
- Then you will have the same screens as a normal XP Install
- Activate if you want (usually a good idea)
- Register if you want (but not necessary)
- Finish
- At this point you should be able to log in with any existing accounts.
Not Displaying Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown Status Messages
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system
- If it is not already there, create a DWORD value named DisableStatusMessages
- Give it a value of 1
Faster DOS Printing
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Go Start | Run | Regedit
- Click Hkey_Local_Machine
- Click on System
- Click CurrentControlSet
- Click Control
- Go to the bottom of this part of the list and click WOW
- Click LPT timeout and change it to a 3
Configure for Auto-Logon
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start / Run / "control userpasswords2" - no quotes
- Uncheck User must enter a user name and password to use this computer
Fixing Cryptographic Services Error
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
run the following from Start / Run - note, you might want to just cut and paste the text.
net stop cryptsvc
ren %systemroot%\system32\catroot2 oldcatroot2
net start cryptsvc
regsvr32 softpub.dll
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll
Restoring Desktop Icon to the Quicklaunch Bar
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Go to C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
(where user_name is replaced by your login name)
Create a Text file called ShowDesktop.SCF with the following contents:
DOS Tips in XP
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
To create multiple folders at once, add them directly to the "md" command:
C:\> md this is a test
To create a folder several folders deep, use:
C:\> md this\is\a\test
Creating a folder with a long name requires the double-quote at the beginning:
C:\> md "this is a test
Bonus tip: Windows XP supports the forward slash "/" as a folder divider. Unix/Linux users: don't let the DOS environment get you down. Use a Unix-style CD command to change your present working directory:
C:\> cd Windows/system32/drivers/etc
System32 Folder Opens When Logging On
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to both:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- Double check that the values do not have incorrect, incomplete, or blank entries
Hiding a XP Computer from Network Neighborhood
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
yet want to remove it from showing up in the Network Neighborhood,
Run net config server /hidden:yes
Guest Only Network Access
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
You may need to change one of the Local Security Policies:
- Got to Control Panel - Administrative Tools
- Go to Local Policies - Security Options
- Check teh Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts
- Set it to Classic - local users authenticate as themselves
Windows Explorer Opens Search Companion Rather than the Folder
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
To correct this:
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shell and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Drive \ shell]
- Edit the default value to be explorer or none
Common Control Panel Applets
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
If you find yourself using any of these frequently, then you can simply make shortcuts to them on your desktop.
appwiz.cpl | Add/Remove Programs |
desk.cpl | Display Properties |
firewall.cpl | Firewall Settings |
inetcpl.cpl | Internet Options |
mmsys.cpl | Sound and Audio |
ncpa.cpl | Network Connections |
nusrmgr.cpl | User Accounts |
powercfg.cpl | Power Options |
sysdm.cpl | System Properties |
wscui.cpl | Security Center |
wuaucpl.cpl | Automatic Updates Configuration |
Opening Ports or Adding Allowed Programs with SP2's Firewall
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Click on Start / Run
- Enter in firewall.cpl
- Click on the Exceptions tab
- Click on the Add Port button
- Name it whatever you want
- Enter in the ports you want to open
- Click on Add Program... button
- A list of all installed programs will be displayed
- Highlight the one you want to include for Internet access
- Click on the OK button
Viewing Installed Drivers
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
There are a lot of available switches to view different types of information.
On use can be to export to a CSV file for viewing in Excel
An example would then be:
Driverquery /v /fo csv > drivers.csv
Identify Faulty Device Drivers
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
often the problem is due to a faulty device driver.
One way to help identify them is through the use of the Verfier program
- Start / Run / Verifier
- Keep the default of Create Standard Settings
- Select the type of drivers you want to confirm
- A list of drivers to be verified on the next boot will be shown.
- Reboot
- If your computer stops with a blue screen, you should get an error message with the problem driver
- To turn off the Verifier, run verifier /reset
Changing the User Type
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
If you want to create
- Right click on My Computer
- Manage
- Local Users and Groups
- Users
- Right click on the user you want to change
- Properties
- Member of tab
- Add button
- Advanced button
- Find Now button
- From here you see the full list of possibilities (e.g. Power User, Backup Operator etc.)
Creating a Suspend Shortcut
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Right click on the Desktop
- New / Shortcut
- Enter in rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState
- Give it whatever name you want
- Now when you click on that shortcut, your computer will shutdown and suspend
Make Pictures Smaller Unavailable
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
If this option is not available, a DLL file may need to be registered.
- Start
- Run
- regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
Viewing Your IP Address Information
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start / Run / cmd
But sometimes the window shows show much information you need to scroll around to fine it.
- Control Panel / Network Connections / Double click the icons for your network (If the network has an icon in the system tray you can also just double click on that icon)
- Click on the Support tab
- Click on the Details button
Additional Utilities
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
You can run SETUP from that directory to install them.
Just a few are:
diruse | Shows Disk Usage |
dupfinder | Finds Duplicate files |
getmac | Get's MAC address of the network card |
hostname | Shows the host name of the computer |
netdiag | Diagnoses a variety of network components |
pviewer | Show a list of process and allows you to get a memory detail or kill any process |
windiff | Compare files and directories |
Opening Shared Folders Snap-In
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Start / Run / fsmgmt.msc
This will show you all your shared folders in a single window
You can also see what other computers are connected and what files they have open
Editing the Boot.ini file
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
You can edit this with any plain text editor like Notepad (may need to unhide the file first)
- Right click on My Computer
- Select Properties
- Click on the Advanced tab
- Under Startup and Recovery, click on the Settings button
- Click on the Edit button
Speeding Up Network Browsing
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
One has been previously covered regarding browsing to Win9x computers.
Other things you can try, especially when there is slow browsing to network shares with a lot of files:
1. Remove current shortcuts in My Network Places
2. Change the registry so shared folders on remote computers are not automatically added to My Network Places when you even open a document from that shared folder
- Start Regedit
- Create a DWORD value:
- HKEY_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer \ NoRecentDocsNetHood to 1.
- I have also seen setting the following help as well.
HKEY_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer \ UseDesktopIniCache to 1.
3. Increase the amount of data is buffered at one time to send to a client. On the computer with the shared directory:
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
- Create a DWORD Key called SizReqBuf
- Give it a value of Hex FFFF
Windows Help and Support Error
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HELPCTR.EXE
- If the key isn't there, right click and create a new key HELPCTR.EXE
- It should have a value of C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\HelpCtr.exe
- Reboot
Disable Windows Tour
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour
- Create a new DWORD key called RunCount
- Give it a value of 0
Showing Common Tasks in Window
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- From that same windows, go to Tools / Folder Options
- Check Show common tasks in folders
Forgotten Admin or User's Password
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
There is a boot disk you can download at:
that will let you reset the password of any account on NT4, Windows2000 or XP.
Just follow all the default settings which are for the admin account. Used it many
times with great success.
They also have a bootable CD image you can download.
Hiding Manage My Computer
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
- Create a DWORD value called NoManageMyComputerVerb
- Set the value to 1
- Reboot
Network Connection Always Shows Access Denied
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
and you know you have the correct user names and passwords on the computer,
the solution may be a simple registry edit.
- Start Regedit
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Lsa
- Change the value of a key called "restrictanonymous" to 0 instead of 1
- Don't change "restrictanonymoussam" value.
- Reboot
Task Manager in Menu Bar is Missing
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
the Task Manager is running in Tiny Footprint mode.
To fix this, simply double click on an empty space in the top border
Repairing Damaged Winsock2
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
And you get the following error message:
An error occurred while renewing interface 'Internet': An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.
Also Internet Explorer may give the following error message:
The page cannot be displayed Additionally, you may have no IP address or no Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) address, and you may be receiving IP packets but not sending them.
If you have WindowsXP with Service Pack 2, there is a one line command you can run to reset the winsock2 registry entries
netsh winsock reset catalog
There are two easy ways to determine if Winsock2 is damaged:
From the XP source files, go to the Support / Tools directory
Winsock Test Method 1
Run netdiag /test:winsock
The end should say Winsock test ..... passed
Winsock Test Method 2
- Run Msinfo32
- Click on the + by Components
- Click on the by Network
- Click on Protocol
- There should be 10 sections if the Winsock2 key is ok
MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]If the names are anything different from those in this list, then likely Winsock2 is corrupted and needs to be repaired.
RSVP UDP Service Provider
RSVP TCP Service Provider
MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip...
MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip...
MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip...
MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip...
MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip...
MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip...
If you have any 3rd party software installed, the name MSAFD may be changed.
There should be no fewer than 10 sections.
To repair Winsock2
- Run Regedit
- Delete the following two registry keys:
Download Reg file to delete these entries
- Restart the computer
- Go to Network Connections
- Right click and select Properties
- Click on the Install button
- Select Protocol
- Click on the Add button
- Click on the Have Disk button
- Browse to the \Windows\inf directory
- Click on the Open button
- Click on the OK button
- Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
- Click on the OK button
- Reboot
Taking Ownership Of a Folder
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
To take ownership of that folder again:
- Log on with an account that has administrator rights
- Right click on the folder
- Select Properties
- Click on the Security tab
- Click on the Advanced button
- Click on the Owner tab
- In the list of Names, click on your name
- To take ownership, click on Replace owner on subcontainers and objects
- Click OK and Yes
Lock File(s) on Windows Without Using Any Software
Friday, March 09, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Open notepad.
- Copy the following code in notepad file :
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
- Change the “YOUR PASSWORD HERE” with your password.
- Save it as batch file ( with extension .bat ) For eg. Locker.bat
- Now you will see a batch file. Double click it to create a folder locker ( A new folder named Locker would be formed at the same location )
- Thats it you have now created your own locker and that too without using any software !
- Brings all the files you want to hide in the locker folder.
- Double click the batch ( As created above ) file to lock the folder namely Locker.
- if you want to unlock your files, simple double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password ( In DOS window ). Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.
Type “You are a fool” Continuously
Friday, March 09, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Open Notepad.
- Paste the following code in the notepad file:
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “You are a fool.”
- Save the file with any name but with .vbs extension and close it.
Slowly Type Messages
Friday, March 09, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Open Notepad.
- Paste the following code in the notepad file:
WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
WshShell.Run “notepad”
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate “Notepad”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “Hel”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “lo ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “, ho”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “w a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “re ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “you”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “? ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “I a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “m g”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ood”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ” th”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ank”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “s! “
- Save the file with any name and with .vbs extension and close it.
Shut-down The Computer After Conveying Any Message
Friday, March 09, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Open Notepad.
- Paste the following code in it:
@echo off
msg * Its time to get some rest.
shutdown -c “Error! You have to take rest! Byeeeeee” -s
- Save the file with any name but with .bat extension and close it. For eg. TakeRest.bat
Constantly Repeat Messages
Friday, March 09, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Open Notepad.
- Paste the following code in the notepad file:
@ECHO off
msg * Hi
msg * Are you having fun?
msg * I am!
msg * Lets have fun together!
msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d
- Save the file with any file name but with .bat as extension and close it. For eg. Freaky.bat
Pssstttt……. You can piss of your friends by sending it as an email attachment asking them to try it out !
Matrix Effect
Friday, March 09, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Open Notepad.
- Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
- Save the file with .bat extension like Matrix.bat
How To Convert FAT32 TO NTFS File System Without Loosing Data
Friday, March 09, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Types of file system
It is basically of 3 types:-- Disk
- Network
- Special purpose
Here is the step by step tutorial to convert FAT32 to NTFS.
- Open Window Explorer and note the drive letter of which you wan to convert file system
- In search bar type CMD and right click on it, Select Run As Administrator
How To Hide Text In Images (Steganography)
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
First download imagehide software.Its a freeware utility for hiding text in an image.Click Here to Download ImageHide
The interface of Imagehide is very simple .Once it is installed all you have to do is to load the image in which you want to hide your text (Steganography) type the text and hit the Write data option.You can also password protect the text so that it can only be opened with the help of a password.
Once you have completed the above steps then you can send the image to your friend and he/she can only open it with the imagehide software and the password that you have used.Once opened with imagehide the text can be read by your friend.So use Steganography for more secure communication.
The imagehide is freeware and supports all windows like windows 7,windows vista and windows xp
Difference Between Virus,Worms,Trojan and Spyware
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Worms:Worms are very similar to viruses but differ in way that they donot bind themselves to executable files instead to replicate themselves they uses the network.If you find excessive use of your network bandwidth then you may be infected by a worm.So,a worm donot require a user to execute any file for its execution it can work without user intervention.
Trojan Horse:-A trojan horse is harmful program which may seem harmless to the user before its installation but instead it is programmed or reverse engineered to facilitate unauthorised remote access to the computer.Trojan’s donot replicate themselves.
Spyware:-A spyware is a program that secretly monitors and collects pieces of information.They usually run in stealth mode and cannot be detected easily.Keyloggers is a great example of spyware software.There are not limited to just spying but can also send data to remote computers
FUD Crypter
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
What is the use of FUD Crypter?
FUD crypters can be used to encrypt viruses,RAT,keyloggers,spywares etc to make them undetectable from antiviruses.
The Basic Working Of FUD Crypter is explained below
Original Exe Crypted Exe
001————- 010 101————-110
100|Original File|000-> Cryptor ->010|Original File|110
010————- 111 110————-010
The new exe is not detected by antiviruses because its code is scrambled by the crypter.When executed the new .exe file decrypts the binary file into small the data small pieces at a time and injects them into another already existing process or a new empty one, OR it drops the code into multiple chunks in alternative data streams(not scanned by most a/v) then executes it as a .txt or .mp3 file.
Where can I Download a Free FUD crypter?
as the crypter becomes popular it doesnot remain FUD.So the only FUD crypter available are those made by indivuals and they can be found by spending a little time on google by searching
Advanced SQL Injection : Havij
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Download link For Havij
Click Here TO Download Havij
Features of Havij
- Supported Databases with injection methods:
a. MsSQL 2000/2005 with error
b. MsSQL 2000/2005 no error (union based)
c. MySQL (union based)
d. MySQL Blind
e. MySQL error based
f. Oracle (union based)
g. MsAccess (union based) - Automatic database detection
- Automatic type detection (string or integer)
- Automatic keyword detection (finding difference between the positive and negative response)
- Trying different injection syntaxes
- Proxy support
- Real time result
- Options for replacing space by /**/,+,… against IDS or filters
- Avoid using strings (magic_quotes similar filters bypass)
- Bypassing illegal union
- Full customizable http headers (like referer and user agent)
- Load cookie from site for authentication
- Guessing tables and columns in mysql<5 (also in blind) and MsAccess
- Fast getting tables and columns for mysql
- Multi thread Admin page finder
- Multi thread Online MD5 cracker
- Getting DBMS Informations
- Getting tables, columns and data
- Command executation (mssql only)
- Reading system files (mysql only)
- Insert/update/delete data
By using this software user can perform back-end database fingerprint, retrieve DBMS users and password hashes, dump tables and columns, fetching data from the database, running SQL statements and even accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system.
Go to google homepage and search for inurl:php?id=
You will get probably thousands of result.Now open any page and add a apostrophe ( ‘ )to the end of the url.Example if the Url was it should be now’
If you get a SQL syntax error then this website can be vulnerable to SQL injection.Now you should use Havij on this URL.
NOTE:This tutorial is for only educational and testing purposes.In some countries SQL injection is an offence.
How to Convert Firefox into keylogger
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
We will be using a script that will not give the user option to save the password instead it will automatically save the passwords without user’s consent and we will retrieve them later.
Does It work on all websites?
It is working on almost all websites like facebook,hotmail,reddit and digg.But this trick somehow failed on Gmail.
Now I will give you the step by step tutorial on how to use this trick
- Download this script Here
- Now go to the following address
C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/Components
Applications > Right click Firefox > Show Package Contents > Contents/MacOS/Components
- Now find a file nsLoginManagerPrompter.js and copy it to somewhere safe location because we will be replacing this file in next step.
- Extract the script folder that you have downloaded in first step and copy and paste the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js from the folder to the folder mentioned in step 2.
- So now your firefox keylogger is ready.Now Each and every username and password will be automatically saved.
How to Secure Gmail Account.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
- Login to your Gmail Account.
- Now open this link
- Click on the Start Setup button.
- Choose a verification method.By selecting Text message (SMS) or voice call you will recieve the verification code on you phone either as text message or as a call.
Enter the appropriate information about your country and Mobile Number.
- Choose SMS text message or Voice call option according to your need. (I prefer SMS text message).
- After giving your mobile number test your phone by clicking on the Send Code button.
- Now you will receive a verification code on your given mobile number and type that code in the verification field and click on Verify button.
- After verifying your number click on the Next button.
- Click on Next button again.
- Here you will see 10 Backup verification codes. Choose Print codes or Save to text file option whatever you like but keep it safe and don’t lose it.
- Check mark the box and click on Next button.
- Here give your working alternative number. And click on Next button.
- Now again click on the Next button again and then click on the Turn on 2-step verification button.
How to Reset Windows 7 or Vista Password
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Step-By-Step Guide
- Insert windows 7 disk into your CD Rom and Restart your computer.
- Press any key to Boot from the CD and then click on Repair your Computer.
Now from the various options select Command Prompt.
- Now Command Prompt will be open and create a backup of Sticky keys by typing the following command in the command prompt
copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\
- Now replace sticky keys with the Command Prompt by typing the following command
copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
- Now Restart your computer.
- When you get the windows login screen then hit Shift button for 5 times continuously and Administrative Mode of Command Prompt will be open.
- Now to reset the password just type the following command
net user viper MyNewPassword
Remember: viper is the username of the computer and MyNewPassword is the password. Replace both as you wish.
Login in your computer system with your new Username and Password
To get back these Sticky keys repeat first three steps and then in the command prompt window type the following command.
copy c:\sethc.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe.
Card Trick 1.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
The magician has three rows of cards. An audience volunteer picks a card in his/her head and tells themagician what row it's in. The magician does that three times and on the third time tells the volunteer what theircard wasYou Want:

First lay out the cards, 3 across and 7 down.Have someone think of a card and tell you what row its in.
Pick up all the rows, row by row, making sure to pick up the row that the card is in 2nd.
Put down one card per row. See Fig...
Then ask the volunteer where the card is in now.
Pick up the rows again, like before -- still making sure that you pick up the row that the card is in 2nd

(You can get dramatic and tell them to think really hard about it... pretend to be reading their mind)
Then count four cards down in that row.
(It appears more magical if you count to yourself... people won't realize you're counting four cards down).
The fourth card is their card!!
Ladki Patane ke 101 Tips
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Hamesha Ladki ke aankho se aankhen milakar hi baat kare, isse Ladkiyan impress hoti hai.
Ladkiyon se jab bhi mile ek pyaari si smile Zarur kare
Hamesha unki help ke liye taiyaar rahe.
unka Birth day kabhi naa bhule aur unhe koi Beautiful gift Zarur de, yaa ek Rose.
uus par kabhi bhi gussa na kare, Hamesha pyaar se hi pesh aaye.
Ladkiyan Shayari pasand karti hai, isliye aksar unhe unki khubsurti par koi Shayari sunate rahe, aisa karte rahne se wo aapke pyaar me pagal ho jayegi.
unse hamesha achche Dress me hi mile, yaad rakhe aap ko bhi attractive dkhna padega.
agar aap ek hi class me hai to unko Study me yaa Notes banane me Help karte rahe, aisa karne se aap unke aur bhi karib aate jaenge.
Aap jab bhi unse mile unhe Hi yaa Hello yaa Shake hand karna na bhule, isse apna pan badata jaega.
Ladkiyon ko Good personality wale Ladke bahut achche lagte hai, issliye koi achchi si Gym me exercise kar apni Body ko attractive banaye. isse Ladkiyan aapko dekhte hi impress ho jaengi.
Agar aapke pass cell phone hai aur us ladki ke paas bhi ( jise aap patana chahte hai), to aksar usko Funny SMS yaa Love SMS yaa Friendship SMS bhejte rahe. aisa karne se aap unki yaado me bane rahenge.
Friendship aur Valentines day ko unhe hamesha wish kare aur ek Pyara sa Gift jarur de. aisa karna najdiki badane ke liye bahut jaruri hai.
Ladkiyon se hamesha Romantic mood me hi baat kare, aise baat kare jisse unhe lage ki aap ko unse baat karke bahut hi maza aa raha hai.
Hamesha unko Respect de, isse aap unki nazaron me ek achche Ladke bane rahenge, jo Ladki patane ke liye bahut hi zaruri hai.
Ladkiyon se kabhi mat sharmaiye, Maximum Ladki sharmile Ladko ko pasand nahi karti hai, issliye hamesha frankly unse mile.
Apni Personality perfect rakhne ke liye hamesha chust durust dikhe, na ki sust yaa kaamchor. Ladkiyan furtile Ladko ko hi pasand karti hai.
agar Ladki Filmo ki shaukin hai to usse aksar Film ke hi bare me baate kare, isse wo aapse apni feeling bantkar khush aur impress hongi.
aap apne din ki shuruwat unhe ek mast Good Morning SMS bhejkar karen.
Raat ko sone se pahle ek Pyara sa Good Night SMS bhejkar bhi aap unhe impress kar sakte hai.
Ladkiyon se usi topic par baat-chit karo jis me use baat karne me maza aaye, isse wo aapse bahut waqt tak baat kar sakti hai. aur aapki Dosti Pyar me bhi badal sakti hai.
Ladkiyon ke samne hamesha apna Cina taan kar chale, aisa karne se Mardangi jhalkti hai aur Ladkiyan Mardon ko hi pasand karti hai. *point noted :p
Ladkiyan darpok ladko ko pasand nahi karti hai issliye aap darna chhod de aur Ladkiyon se ek nidar ki tarah react kare.
agar Ladki aapse kuch mange to use zarur pura karne ki koshish kare( *aap ki jaan k ellawa ), isse Ladkiyan aapse itni impress hongi jiski aap imagine bhi nahi kar sakte.
Unke Birth day par sabse pehle aap wish kare, isse wo aapko kabhi nahi bhul pyengi.
Hamesha unse kisi na kisi bahane milte rahe, isse aap unki nazaron aur yaado me aksar bane rahenge.
unhe Dinner ya Lunch ke liye offer kare, ager wo agree ho jaye to unke pasand ke hotel me unke pasand ki dish order kare. wo forann aap par fida ho jayegi.
Ladkiyon se pehle Dosti karo baad me unse apne Dil ki baat kahna, Pyar ke mamle me patience se kaam le.
jab wo aap se baat kare to unki baato ko unki aankon me aankhen dalkar pore dhyan se sune.
Agar Ladki aapki neighbor ho to roz subah unko dekhte hi Good Morning zaror kahe.
Agar Ladki aapki Class met ho to unse shake hand jarur kare.
Agar aap unke sath antakhshari khele to unko target karke Loveable song zarur gaye.
Agar wo aapse raste par Lift mange to aap use zarur de, aur aise react kare jaise aap bahut zaruri kaam se ja rahe the Lekin unke liye aapne jaruri kaam chhod kar unhe Lift di, isse wo aap se Impress hue bina nahi rah sakegi aur aap use aasani se pata lenge.
agar wo koi problem me ho to sabse pehle unki help ke liye aap pahuche, ye Ladki patane ke liye zaruri sabak hai.
Ladkiyan bahut emotional hoti hai isliye unki emotion ki hamesha ezzat kare.
agar Ladki koi bhari kaam kar rahi hai to aap unki madad zarur kare. kaam me hath batane se Pyar badata hai.
agar School/College me unki Gaadi ka Petrol khatam ho gaya ho to aap apni Gaadi ka Petrol nikalkar zarur de. (* agar kisi aur ki gadi ka nikalna pare to b koi baat nai magar aisa sunehri moqa hath se na jane dein)
unse hamesha hansi mazak karte rahe, Lekin ek limit me hi.
agar Ladki kahi paidal ja rahi ho to aap unhe apni Bike me Pahucha dene ka offer zarur kare, aisa impression jamane ke liye badiya mauka hai.
aap kisi Ladki ko bahut pyar karte hai to apni feeling ko Pink color ke paper par likhkar unhe zarur de, yaani unhe Love Letter likhe.
Maximum Ladkiyan Funny Ladke pasand karti hai, isliye aapko bhi Funny banana padega.
Jab bhi aap Ladkiyon se mile to unhe ek Mazedar Jokes zarur sunaye, yaa kuch Funny Shayari hi.
agar wo Morning walk karne jati hai to aap bhi uske sath sath walk karne jaye, subah ke mast mahaul me aap unse Mazedar baate kar unhe impress kar sakte hai.
agar unke paas cell phone hai to kisi bhi bahane unse Contact karte rahiye, aur SMS bhi bhejte rahiye.
agar unka tabiyat thik naa ho to unse milne zarur jaye, aur unka haal chaal zarur puche. (* agar tabiat kharab na huti ho to julab ki goolyan khila dein )
apne Birth Day me unhe invite karna na bhule, aur aaye to ye kahna "aap hi ka intzar kar raha tha, ab aap aa gai ho ab mai Cake katunga.
unke diye hue Gift ki tarif zarur kare, tarif karna Diye me Ghee dalne ke jesa hai.
agar unka Mail ID aap jante ho to unko Mail karte rahe aur ye ehsas dilaye ki aap dinbhar unki hi khayalo me khoye rahte hai.
agar aap ko apne Padosan ko patana ho to unke ghar aate jate rahe aur zarurat padne par unki madad karte rahe. Unhe rotya lagwa kar dein utilty store se aata la kar den ...*( utilty store se na mile to apne ghar se la kar dein )
agar Padosan ka bhai bhi hai to, Pehle uske bhai se Dosti karo, uske bhai ki nazaro me aap ek samajhdar Ladke ki tarah raho, isse aapka unke ghar aana jana laga rahega. *( bhai chota hu to tofyan le kar do aur agar bara hu to sirf mashwra do )
Har insan apni tarif sunana chahta hai, isliye aap Ladki ke har Chizo ki tarif karte rahe. Kabi naak ki kabi aankhon ki aur kabo taango aur taango me mojod joton ki tarif karna na bholein
Ladkiyon se hamesha Confidence ke sath hi baat kare.
agar aap kisi Ladki ko Patana chahte hai to usse baat karne ki koshish kare. aur apni feeling ko kisi din Letter me likhkar unhe de do. isse Ladki aapke Himmat ki Kayal ho jayegi. (* magar ye khayal zrur rakhye k jotey b par sakte hein)
agar unka koi Nick name ho to aap unko Nick name se hi pukare. isse aap unko apne se lagenge.
Jab bhi aap unse mile to unko uske pasand ki Chocolate zarur dein. Ladkiyon ke shauk pure karne se unko Patane me aasani hoti hai. ( magar ap ki jebkharch ko...)
agar Ladki ice-cream khane ki shaukin ho to unko jarur isske liye offer karte rahein.
Ladkiyan agar group me ho to aap unhe (Jinhe Patana hai) hi dekhte rahe, aisa karne se wo bhi aap ke taraf attract ho jaegi.
agar aap kisi Ladki ko Propose karna chahte ho to, aap unka ek hath padkar unhe Red Rose dekar Propose karein. wo aap ka Proposal zarur accept kar legi. ( warna aapko uski taraf se kuch accept karna pare ga , chapait,jota ya kuch aur)
unki har ada ki tarif zarur kare, wo zarur khush hongi. ( matlab makhan lagao)
Propose karna Mard ka kaam hai iss liye aap ye mat soche ki Ladki aakar aapko Propse karengi, Pahle aapko hi Propose karna hoga.
agar wo kabhi aapke ghar ke samne se guzre to use apne ghar zarur bulayen, aur Chaay ya Coffee zarur pilaye. isse wo aapke mehman navazi ki kayal ho jayegi.
agar aap unka ghar jante hai to Eid (bakra eid) ke din unke ghar zror jayin gosht lene .
agar aap Party me kisi Ladki ko Patana chahte ho to, aap sabse pehle unse jakar milen aur apna Introduction de, isse dhire-dhire baat cheet ka silsila shuru hoga aur aap use Pata lenge.
aap ki Padosan agar School/College jane ke liye nikal rahi ho to aap unke sang hole aur unse baat karte hue aap bhi jaye. aisa Continue 3 Dino tak kare aur 4th Din mat jana, wo 5th Din aapse zarur puchegi kal kyu nahi aaye. aur iss tarah mulakat se aap use Pata hi lenge.
Ladki Patane ke liye Confidence bahur hi zaruri hai isliye aap Pahle apne aap pe bharosa rakhiye ki aap use Pata kar hi Dumm lenge, aur aap apne Confidence ke bal par hi use Pata lenge.
Ladkiyan Patane ke liye apne aap me kuch quality paida kare, jaise Singing, Dancing, Body Building, Acting. quality hone se Ladki Patana bahut asan ho jata hai.
agar aap me koi buri aadat ho to use chhod de, bure Ladke pasand nahi kiye jate hai, isliye apni buri aadato ko chod de.
Ladkiyon ke samne kabhi bhi Smoking na kare aur na hi Drinking. ye baat hamesha yaad rakhe Ladkiyan Good Manners wale Ladko ko hi Pasand karti hai.
Ladkiyon ke samne kabhi bhi Gandi baate naa kare isse aapka unke samne ek bad boy ki image ban jaygi. aap unke samne Talented person ki tarah hi Behavior kare.
agar aap jante hai ki wo kis Film Hero ki Fane hai to aap usi Hero ke jaisi Hare Style rakhe aur usi ki tarah dikhne ki khoshish kare. Ladki aapse impress hogi hi.
aap hamesha unse sach bolne ki koshish kare, isse aap unhe sachche Ladke lagenge. jo ki impress karne ke liye zaruri hai.
aap unke lye hamesha vafadar rahe, har Ladkiyan ek vafadar sathi ki talash me rehti hai.
agar aapke makaan ke kiraye daar ko Patana ho to uske kuch mahine ka Kiraya maaf karde. isse aapki unse nazdikiyan badengi. aur wo aapka ehsan mand ho jaengi ( agar aap kanjoos aadmi hu to koi baat nai dil pe haath rakhein kuch pane k lye kuch khona parta ha , kuch samjho karo yar)
Ladkiyan hazirjawab Ladkon ko Pasand karti hai issliye aap hazirjawab dene wale person baniye ( lekin jaldi mein koi chawal maarne se parhez karain)
Kai Ladkiyan filmo ki baate karna bahut pasand karti hai, aise Ladkiyon se aap unke pasand ki filmo ke baare me baate karke unhe impress kar sakte hai.
intelligent Ladko se Ladkiyan impress hoti hai issliye aap apni Study improve karke Ladkiyon ko impress kar sakte hai
Ladkiyan Patane ke liye aapka General Knowledge Strong hona chahiye, GK Ladkiyon ko Patane me bahut hi Helpful hota hai.
Ladkiyan saaf suthri image wale Ladko ko Like karti hai issliye aap jhagde-jhanjhaton se dur hi rahe.
aap jis Ladki ko Patana chahte hai use agar koi pareshaan kar raha ho to aap us Ladki ki madad kare, isse wo Ladki aapse forann Pat jayegi. ( aap ko villen se maar b khana par sakti ha)
agar wo koi khaas type ke Book read karne ki shaukin ho to aap use wo Book Gift kare (for exa. Comics, Film Magazines etc.). wo aapse zarur impress hongi aur aap unhe easily Pata lenge.
hamesha koi badiya Body Spray (Perfume) lagaya kare. aapke Body ki khushbu Ladkiyon ko aapki aur attract karegi
agar wo aapki kuch help kare to usse thanks zarur kahe. impression jamane ke liye ye chhoti-chhoti formalities bahut kaam aati hai.
agar aapke paas Bike ho to use hamesha saaf suthri rakhe, Ladkiyan Saaf suthri Bike me hi ghumna Pasand karti hai. issliye apne Bike ko attractive banaaye.
Aap Mobile set aisa rakhe jo aapki Personality ko suet kare. achhe Mobile set rakh kar Ladkiyon ko apni taraf attract kiya ja sakta hai.
apne cell phone ke wallpaper me unka Photo set kar ke rakhe, aur use dikhaye wo aapse zarur impress hongi. ( * sirf use dikhaye uske bhai sahib ko nai. Mein aik daffa larki k bhai ko dikha betha aur...)
aap kisi din unse ye kah kar ki "aap mujhe aapna autograph denge to ye meri khushnasibi hogi". aap unka autograph mangkar unko impress kar sakte hai.
apne cell phone me koi Romantic Ring tone hi rakhe, Romantic Ring tone sunkar Ladkiyan zarur impress hoti hai. Ladkiyon ko Patane ke liye unhe impress karna bahut hi zaruri hai.
unke ghar ke paas se jab bhi guzre unhe dekhne ki koshish zarur kare. unhe ye ehsas dilana zaruri hai ki aap unme interest rakhte hai.
agar aap unse kahi mile aur unke sath me unke Parents ho to unhein salam zarur bulain. Ladki forunn aapse impress hogi (agar Ladki JaanPehchan wali ho ussi condition me hi).
agar wo age me aapse chhoti ho phir bhi aap unse "AAP" kahkar hi baat karein. unhe lagna chahiye ki aap unka bahut respect karte hain.
unke sath kabhi bhi bahas nahi karen hamesha unki baat ka sath dein. tabhi unko Pata sakte hai.
har Ladki apne Khubsurti ki tarif sunana chahti hai issliye aap unki khubsurti ka hamesha tarif karte rahe. ye Ladki Patane ka Super hit Formula hai.
aap unhe hamesha ye kahe ki wo Duniya ki sabse Beautiful Ladki hai. wo aap se hamesha khush rahegi aur easily set ho jayegi. ( pyar aur jung me sab jayes hay)
mere ek Dost ki 56 Girl Friend hai. usne un sabhi ko Patane ke liye jo Formula use kiya hai wo hai- "Ladkiyon se hamesha unke baare me hi baate karo". wo hamesha Ladkiyon se unke hi baare me baate karte rahta tha aur Ladkiyan Pat gai.
unse kabhi bhi gandi baate na kare unse achhi baate hi kare, tabhi kamyabi milegi.
aap unse ye kahe ki aap unke liye kuch bhi kar sakte hai, wo aap se impress hogi hi.
Maximum Ladkiyan Clean shave kiye hue Ladko ko Like nahi karti hai issliye unhein khush dikhne ke liye shave na kain
Ladkiyon ko kabhi bhi ghur kar naa dekhe balki unhe hamesha Pyaar bhari nazaron se hi dekhe, Ladki aapki Diwani ho jayegi.
agar kabhi unke sath Film jane ka mauka mile to koi Romantic Film hi dekhne jaye, unke sath Romantic Film dekhi matlab Ladki Pattiiiii.
Ladkiyan apne zulfon (hair) ki tarif sunana Pasand karti hai, issliye unhe Patane ke liye unke zulfon par Shayari sunaye yaa tarif kare.
aap unki sabhi baaton par agree karein unke kisi bhi baaton ko naa kaate, aap dono ke think milne ka ehsas dilakar bhi aap unhe aasani se Pata sakte hai.
aap unke sath hamesha unke baare me hi baate karein, aur unko special hone ka ehsas zarur dilaye, uski tareef me zameen asmaan aik kar dejye isse wo aapki Diwani ho jayegi
Hack Identifier
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Here's a screenshot:
Vodafone Free GPRS hack
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
Homepage : [or anything useful]
User Name: (not required)
Password :(not required)
Access Point Settings:[ to be configured in mobile,if not already given]
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Bearer Settings: [to be setup in mobile]
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name :(not required)
Password :(not required)
After configuring these settings in your Vodafone mobile,check for connection.If you are unable to access free internet[GPRS] on your vodafone mobile using this trick,then switch off your mobile,reinsert sim card and switch ON again.Now you can browse on your mobile for free
Use any sim in Any Modem without unlocking it..!!
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Posted by Priya Yadav
But dont worry with the following trick you can do it for free :-)
Step by step instruction:
1. Insert SIM in Modem
2. Modem show invalid SIM, just ignore it and close modem software.
3. Start NOKIA PC suite.
4. Go to Nokia pc suite connect to internet option
5. Go to Configure. Select your data card modem,and make all operator apn setting as like when we use Nokia mobile connection.
Eg:- Apn for Tata Docomo –TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET
6. Finish set up.
7. Now connect to internet through PC suite