
The magician has three rows of cards. An audience volunteer picks a card in his/her head and tells themagician what row it's in. The magician does that three times and on the third time tells the volunteer what theircard was

You Want: 

21 cards, all different 


First lay out the cards, 3 across and 7 down. 
Have someone think of a card and tell you what row its in. 
Pick up all the rows, row by row, making sure to pick up the row that the card is in 2nd.

 Put down one card per row.     See Fig...

Then ask the volunteer where the card is in now. 
Pick up the rows again, like before -- still making sure that you pick up the row that the card is in 2nd

Then ask the volunteer which row the card is in now.
(You can get dramatic and tell them to think really hard about it... pretend to be reading their mind)

Then count four cards down in that row.
(It appears more magical if you count to yourself... people won't realize you're counting four cards down).

The fourth card is their card!!