• Sirsasana (head stand): Place the forearms on the mat in front of you with fingers interlocked. Place the crown of your head on the mat between the interlocked hands. Slowly raise your hips and lift your knees off the ground and straighten your legs, keeping your toes on the floor. Transfer the body weight slowly from the toes on to the head and arms, maintaining a steady balance. Lift your feet off the ground. Bending the knees, gradually raise the calves in a controlled movement. Slowly straighten your knees until the legs are in line with the trunk. Now your whole body is straight in one line.
  • Kapalbhati Kriya: Kapal means forehead and bhati means light. So if you do this kriya regularly, it brings a glow to the face. It's a purification technique to clean the naadi's and also calm the mind. It opens up all the blockages from the lungs and also strengthens the nervous system and tones the digestive organs. Sit in any comfortable posture with your back and neck straight in chin mudra and eyes closed. Exhale through nostrils forcefully and while exhaling, push your abdomen in forcefully. Inhale naturally. Repeat this kriya for 5 minutes. For better results, you can do it for 10 minutes.